stars, class 8
Celestial object: the object present outside the earth in the space is called Celestial object for example other planet ,asteroids etc. Astronomy : it is the branch of science who is deal with the celestial objects and their phenomena. Moon Moon is the nearest celestial object of Earth it is seen as bright as object during night it is Earth's neutral satellite Does not have its own light it reflects the light of sun. At night we see different shapes of moon this is known as phases of moon Moon also revolve on its own axis in 29.5 (29 days 12 hour 44 minutes 3 seconds) days called synodic month. Moon absorbed delight of sun and reflect it in night due to which it affairs bright at night that is eliminated at night Moon complete one revolution on its axis and in same time it also complete one revolution around the earth that's why the half part of the moon always get the sunlight while other half does not receive any sunlight this side is k...