
Showing posts from August, 2022

TISSUE, Class 9 notes

  TISSUES Tissue can be defined as a group of cells with similar shape and function are termed as tissues. They form a cellular organisational  level, intermediate between the cells and organ system. Organs are then created by combining the functional groups of tissues. Types of Plant Tissues The classification of plant tissues are mainly based on the two important criteria: Based on the different part of plants. Based on the different types of cells. Plant Tissues  are broadly categorised into three tissue systems. This classification is  on the basis of parts of the plants they are present. Epidermis Tissues – cells formed from the outermost surface of the leaves. Vascular Tissues – involved in transporting fluid and nutrients internally. Ground Tissue – involved in producing nutrients by photosynthesis and preserve nutrients. Plant tissue is divided into two types. This classification is on the basis of the types of cells, the