
Showing posts from November, 2022

some natural phenomenon, class 8 notes

Some natural phenomena   Phenomena: the process occurred in the environment / universe is called phenomena example lighting earthquake   Spark:   when two wires of different polarities touch together a small light appears this is known as a spark example:               when we plug the switch in the socket smaller spark will seen in socket .             when we wear out woolen cloth small lightning with sound produce this is spark         The spark is produced due to differences in charges of the bodies  Creation of charge: Every object is made up of atoms. When a object rubs over another object then due to heat energy electron get released from first object and get deposited on other thus bodies become charged. Positive charge bodies: the object from which electron released and fall called positive charge bodies. Negative charged bodies: the object on which electron fall and settled down called negative charged bodies. Convention of Positive and Negative char


  SHARMA CLASSES BHARATPUR   Sound: it is a kind of energy which gives us sensation of hearing. The sound is produced by vibrating objects. They travel from one place to another in the form of waves. Hence, the name sound waves.   Wave and particle motion of waves Mechanical waves are waves that travel through a material medium. It is of two types: depending on the direction of motion of the particle of the medium and the wave propagation:   Transverse waves Particle motion is to  perpendicular  the direction of wave motion. This type of wave is a mechanical wave called a transverse wave. E.g.: Light, or even  Mexican wave in a stadium. Longitudinal waves When the particles of the medium travel  parallel  to the direction of the wave motion by means of successive compression or rarefaction. It is also a mechanical wave. Example: a slinky A longitudinal wave consists of