some natural phenomenon, class 8 notes

Some natural phenomena


Phenomena: the process occurred in the environment / universe is called phenomena example lighting earthquake 

Spark:  when two wires of different polarities touch together a small light appears this is known as a spark example:

  •              when we plug the switch in the socket smaller spark will seen in socket
  • .           when we wear out woolen cloth small lightning with sound produce this is spark 
  •        The spark is produced due to differences in charges of the bodies 

Creation of charge:

Every object is made up of atoms. When a object rubs over another object then due to heat energy electron get released from first object and get deposited on other thus bodies become charged.

Positive charge bodies: the object from which electron released and fall called positive charge bodies.

Negative charged bodies: the object on which electron fall and settled down called negative charged bodies.

Convention of Positive and Negative charges:

When we rub a scale on and dry here it start attracting the small bits of paper

Glass rod is rubbed with the silk; the charge of glass rod is taken as positive while that of silk is taken as negative

Charges is transferred to other body when

  • 1.      Other body is neutral 
  • 2.      other body with opposite charge when it transferred then opposite charged decreased
  • 3.      other body with the same charge but in less quantity

Interaction between like and unlike charges:  Like charges repel, while unlike charges attract.

Electroscope: It is a device or an instrument that can be used to test whether an object is carrying a charge or not.

1.      When the charged body touched to the metal disk, then charge is transferred and the gold foil leaf separates.

2.      If another body is touched to the disk and the separation between disk increases, it means the bodies have same charge as the previous body has.

3.      If another body is touched to the disk and the separation between disk decreases, it means the bodies have opposite charge as the previous body has.

4.      It does not tell about the nature of charge a body have i.e. positive or negative.


Lightning is caused by a compilation of charges in the clouds it is generally seen in rainy seasons.  Lightning is deadly so we have to protect ourselves from it.  In 1752 Benjamin and flanking (American scientist) show that lightning and sparks is the same phenomena.

The process of an electric discharge between clouds and the earth or between different clouds caused lighting the process of lightning is explained below

  •  upward movement of air current and downward movement of water droplet during the development of a thunderstorm cause the separation of the charge
  •  positive charge collect near the upper edge of the clouds and the negative accumulated near the lower edge, positive charge accumulated near the ground also
  • when the magnitude of accumulated charge become very large the air which is normally poor conductor of electricity is no longer able to resist and positive charge meet producing streak of lights and sound

Electric Discharge

The process of flow of charge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth due to the separation of positive and negative charges is called an electric discharge.

Lightning safety


1. Do not take shelter of metal shed and big trees

2. Do not touch metal poles

3. If you are in car or bus, stay inside it.

4. Stay away from water.

5. Crouch on the ground with your head down.


1. Do not switch on the TV, mobile, radio etc

2. Don't touch metal pipe, taps.

3. Don't take a bath.

4. Don't sit near the door and windows.


The process of transferring charges from a charged object to the earth is called earthing.

Lightning Conductors

  • Lightning conductors help to protect buildings during lightning.
  • They consist of a metal rod that is taller than the building which is installed within the walls during construction. They run all the way to the earth and act as a direct passage for electric discharge during lightning.

Earthquake :

Earthquake it is a sudden shaking or trembling of earth which last for a very short time. We are not able to predict earthquakes accurately. Earthquake occurs all the time over the Earth.

Cause: earthquakes are caused by deep disturbance deep down inside the uppermost and fragmented layer of the earth called crust. Each fragment of the crust is called a tectonic plate.

Fault zones: The boundaries of the plates are the weak zones where earthquakes are more likely to occur the weak zones are also known as false zones. Kashmir western and central region, the whole of North East run of kuchh are more threatened to be earthquake in India

Richter scale: Richter scale measures the power of earthquake in terms of magnitude. Earthquake is measure between 1 to 8 on the scale. Earthquake of magnitude 6 has 1000 times more destructive than an earthquake of magnitude 4.

magnitude level



less than 1.0 to 2.9


generally not felt by people, though recorded on local instruments



felt by many people; no damage



felt by all; minor breakage of objects



some damage to weak structures



moderate damage in populated areas



serious damage over large areas; loss of life


Sismo- graph:  Seismographs are instruments used to record the motion of the ground during an earthquake.

Protection during an earthquake

  • 1.      The building should be designed so that they can resistant earthquake.
  • 2.      the use of mud or Timber is better than the heavy construction material for making the building in earthquake areas
  • 3.      cupboard and shelf should be fixed to the wall so that they do not fall on someone during an earthquake

Following steps can be taken (indoors )

  • 1.      take shelter under a table and stay till shaking stops stay away from tall and heavy object
  • 2.      if you are in bed do not get a protect your head with a pillow outdoors
  • 3.      find a clear spot where buildings are away, trees and overhead power lines are away 

Following steps can be taken (outdoor)

  • 1.      if you are in car or bus do not come out as the driver to drive slowly to a clear spot do not come out till the timer stop




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