
Showing posts from March, 2023

class 7 worksheet science water story

What is sewage? Explain why it is harmful to discharge untreated sewage into rivers or seas. Why should oils and fats be not released in the drain? Explain. Describe the steps involved in getting clarified water from wastewater. What is sludge? Explain how it is treated Untreated human excreta is a health hazard. Explain. Name two chemicals used to disinfect water. Explain the Junction of bar screens in a wastewater treatment plant. Explain the relationship between sanitation and disease. Special type of toilets has been designed in aeroplanes, name it. Name the toilets used in areas with limited water supply. The Eucalyptus trees are planted along sewage ponds. Give reason. Mention the use of dried sludge. Sewage contains some organic impurities in it. Name them. World Water Day is celebrated on Name the three processes involved in treatment of wastewater. Explain sewers and sewage. Bleaching powder is mixed in water, why? Think and give appropriate reason for it. Protozoa is causativ


  IM P R O V E MENT IN F O OD R E S O U R C ES   To ful f il the n ee d of f o od to g e omet r i c a l l y g r o wing popu l a t i on, the v a r ious p rac t ic e s invo l v e d i n c rop p r odu c t i on should be more s c ientifi c . Till now following r e volu t ions to inc rea se food, fish, m i lk and oil produ c t i on h a ve b e e n su c c e ssful with due e f f o rts made b y sci e nt i st.   1.    G ree n r e volu t ion: f or in c r e a se in food g ra in prod u c t i on. Fa ther o f g re e n r e volu t ion –1965-700 Fa ther o f g re e n r e volu t ion i n I ndia – M r. M.S. S w a m i n a than 2.    B lue r e volu t ion: f or inc r e a se in fish produ c t i on. (1985-90) 3.    W hi t e re volu t ion: f or inc rea se in m i l k pr o du c t i on.(1970-75) 4.    Y e l l ow re volu t ion: f or i n c r e a s e in o i l produ c t i on.1986-87 5.    Gold e n r e volu t ion: f or i n c r e a s e in pu l